
Acknowledgements for the digital version

The Welsh Language Commissioner would like to thank Bruce Griffiths and Dafydd Glyn Jones, the editors of the Welsh Academy English-Welsh Dictionary for the licence to publish this digital version and for their support and cooperation during the course of the project. The Commissioner is also grateful to the Welsh Academy and to the University of Wales Press for allowing this licence. Thanks must also be given to the proofreaders who proofread the digital entries and to the Language Technologies Unit, Canolfan Bedwyr, Bangor University for developing the software to facilitate proofreading and publishing the on-line Dictionary. The licence to publish this digital version was originally given to the Welsh Language Board. As a result of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 the Welsh Language Board was abolished and the licence was transferred to the Welsh Language Commissioner from 1 April 2012.

Acknowledgements for the original print version

The editor is happy to record his debts of gratitude to all those who have have contributed to the compilation of this dictionary. Above all I am indebted to my friend and colleague Mr Dafydd Glyn Jones of the Department of Welsh at the University of Wales, Bangor, who with me drew up the original memorandum submitted to the Welsh Academy urging the creation of this dictionary. He made substantial contributions to the original text and devoted the best part of nine years to the Herculean task of sub-editing the entire text, making innumerable emendations and corrections, drawing on his thorough and wide knowledge of both literary and spoken Welsh. He personally undertook much retyping and keyboarding of the computer database. His conviction of the value of the dictionary and his moral support have been unwavering, and I am grateful to the Professors and Department of Welsh at Bangor for enabling Mr Jones to make his invaluable contribution to this work.

Thanks are due to Yr Academi Gymreig and its Executive Committee for giving the project its aegis, and then to the Arts Council of Wales for agreeing to finance the project over a long period of years, and especially to Meic Stephens and Professor Richard Griffiths; to the British Academy for grants to employ assistants and also for enabling me to devote one year’s leave of absence to the dictionary; to the Welsh Office, and to successive Secretaries of State for Wales, for financing the latter years of the project, and especially to Sir Wyn Roberts, Dr R. H. Jones and John Walter Jones at the Welsh Office. I am grateful to the Principal (now Vice-Chancellor), Registrar and Council of the University of Wales, Bangor, for kindly agreeing to provide offices to house the project and meeting overhead expenses and readily providing much practical help and encouragement. I especially thank Eric Wyn Jones, of the College’s Computer Laboratory, for dealing with every aspect of the computer database, writing the software for it, and dealing with all the problems that arose.

I am grateful to the University of Wales Press, and to Dr Gareth Bevan, Editor of Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (the University of Wales Dictionary), for permission to consult the archive of hitherto unpublished material held by the Dictionary; to the Welsh Folk Museum at St Pagans, the then Curator, Trefor Owen, to Vincent Phillips, and other members of the staff, for permission to consult their archive of unpublished sources of information on the dialects of Wales; to the Linguistic Research Group at the University of Wales, Cardiff, and especially to Dr Ceinwen Thomas and Professor Glyn Jones, for much valuable information on Welsh dialects; and to Professor Alan Thomas of the Department of Linguistics, University of Wales, Bangor, for his ready and invaluable assistance in the field of Welsh dialectology. Thanks are due also to the Translation Office of Gwynedd County Council, and to the Welsh College of Librarianship.

I am deeply grateful to all those who laboured to compile the text to be edited: in the first place to Dr Paul Birt, at first the only editorial assistant, who worked manfully on the project for six years, followed by Karen Liljenberg, Robat Trefor, Anita Jones, Tim Webb, Robin Chapman, Delyth Prys and Enid Jones (née Mathias).

I also thank those who worked on a survey of the vocabulary of modern literary Welsh: Dr Iestyn Daniel, Eleri Ann Jones, Rosemary Lloyd, Catrin Parry, Christopher O’Donovan, and Bryn Rowlands.

I am grateful to those who read through portions of the text and offered emendations or made other contributions: the late Revd Euros Bowen, Dr Geraint Bowen, Cyril P. Cule, Lynn Davies, Professor Pennar Davies, Iwan Edgar, Gwilym LI. Edwards, Dr Twm Elias, the Revd Owen E. Evans, the late Sir Idris Foster, Dr Llŷr Gruffydd, Professor R. Geraint Gruffydd, Eleri Gwyndaf, Robin Gwyndaf, the late H. J. Hughes, J. Elwyn Hughes, Emyr Humphreys, Dafydd Ifans, Branwen Jarvis, the late Professor Bedwyr Lewis Jones, Dewi Jones, Professor Glyn Jones, the Revd J. Gwilym Jones, Luned Bebb Jones, the late R. E. Jones, R. Gerallt Jones, Professor R. M. Jones, Dr Robert Owen Jones, Professor W. Gareth Jones, the late D. Myrddin Lloyd, the late Dr D. Tecwyn Lloyd, Sian Megan, E. G. Millward, Dyfnallt Morgan, Professor D. LI. Morgan, Eleri Morgan, Dr Prys Morgan, the late Professor T. J. Morgan, Dr Delyth Morris, D. Orwig, Owain Owain, the late Gwenlyn Parry, the late Sir Thomas Parry, Vincent Phillips, Brinley Rees, the late Mati Rees, W. H. Reese, Selyf Roberts, Tomos Roberts, the late W. H. Roberts, Olwen Samuel, the late Dr John Sykes, Professor Alan Thomas, Beth Thomas, Dr Ceinwen Thomas, Professor Gwyn Thomas, Peter Wyn Thomas, Dr David Thorne, Ann Wiliam, Dr Aled Rhys Wiliam, Dr Urien Wiliam, the late Alun Llywelyn-Williams, Professor Gwyn Williams, Professor Gruffydd Aled Williams, Professor J. E. Caerwyn Williams, Dr John LI. Williams, Selwyn Williams, the late Professor Stephen J. Williams, and many others.

I thank those who typed the text for their painstaking work: Ann Corkett, Madge Hughes, Carolyn Jones, Maureen Jones, Val Price and especially Sandra Shone. I also thank the staff of the University of Wales Press and in particular Susan Jenkins and the Press’s director, Ned Thomas, and Robat Trefor who, with others, undertook a massive proof-reading programme.

I must thank the successive secretaries of Yr Academi Gymreig for their patient assistance: Gwerfyl Pierce Jones, Gwynn ap Gwilym, Ann Beynon, Sian Ithel, Marion Arthur, Dafydd Rogers; and the members of the Academi’s Dictionary panel: Professor J. E. Caerwyn Williams (Chairman), Prof. D. Ellis Evans, Prof. D. Simon Evans, the late Prof. Bedwyr Lewis Jones, Dafydd Glyn Jones, Prof. R. M. Jones, Dr Prys Morgan, Prof. Bryn Roberts, Meic Stephens, Dr Ceinwen Thomas.

Finally, I am grateful to the many members of the general public who in writing or by word of mouth made some contribution to this work. In readiness for future editions, constructive criticisms, emendations and suggestions may be sent to me, Dr Bruce Griffiths, c/o University of Wales Press, 6 Gwennyth Street, Cathays, Cardiff CF24 4YD. If a reply is requested, a stamped addressed envelope should be enclosed: otherwise I thank all such contributors in anticipation.

Bruce Griffiths
Bangor 1995